Bamboo Massage

Bamboo Massage

Bamboo massage is a relaxing and rejuvenating massage that uses long, thin bamboo sticks to work on the muscles of your body.

About Bamboo Massage

Bamboo massage is a relaxing and rejuvenating massage that uses long, thin bamboo sticks to work on the muscles of your body. The bamboo sticks are gently tapped and kneaded along your muscles, which helps release tension and promote healing. Bamboo massage can be performed on its own or as part of a more comprehensive spa treatment.

The practice originated in Japan, where it has been used for centuries. It has grown in popularity over the years, with practitioners in many countries around the world offering their services today.

Benefits of Bamboo Massage

Bamboo massage has many benefits. It’s known for its ability to reduce stress and tension in the muscles, which can help with pain management.

Bamboo massage also promotes flexibility and range of motion in your joints and soft tissue, making it ideal for people who suffer from joint pain or stiffness. Finally, bamboo massage improves circulation by increasing blood flow through your body’s tissues.

With all these benefits at hand, it’s no wonder that so many people are turning to bamboo massage as an alternative to traditional treatments like chiropractic care or physical therapy.

Bamboo Massage Pricing








  • Best Value


  • Best Value



30 min


45 min


60 min

  • Best Value

75 min

  • Best Value

90 min
